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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 129
  • Number 4
  • October 1972


Publication date: 01 October 1972


Although management skills are urgently needed to run our nation's numerous and increasingly complex therapeutic organizations, relatively little emphasis is given to this field, and practically no formal training is required. The management field views ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


An 18-week double-blind crossover study of 61 "hard core" geriatric patients with organic brain syndrome compared the efficacy of pentylenetetrazol (Metrazol) with placebo, using a dosage level of 600 mg. per day. Five rating instruments were administered ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


A survey to determine patterns of drug use and attitudes toward treatment was conducted shortly before the establishment of a drug abuse control program in the Army. Eight months after the program was begun, the survey was repeated, using a similar ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Sudden, unexplained infant deaths present acute problems in adaptation for the remaining members of affected families. A constellation of events is described here in which an older sibling of preschool age is present during the mother's discovery of the ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


MMPI profiles from a random sample of 1,064 physical (nonpsychiatric) disability insurance claimants were compared with those of 14,306 general medical patients, matched for age and sex, seen at the Mayo Clinic. In contrast with the latter, the disability ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The author reviews the content of two books—the Levines' A Social History of Helping Services and the report of the Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children—and points out that many elements of today's community mental health movement were in use in ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


A random sample of 169 graduate students revealed that 95 percent used alcohol, 31 percent used marijuana, 17 percent used amphetamines, and four percent used LSD. Details of marijuana use are presented. Marijuana users and nonusers differed significantly ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Comparison of human figure drawings made by black children before 1960 with those made by black children after 1970 indicated that more black racial indicators are included in current drawings. These results suggest that black children are now more ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Psychiatric and psychological evaluations were performed for 34 patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. The major psychopathological factors reported in the literature as being etiologic to Tourette's syndrome were not confirmed by the authors' ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The authors attempt to place methadone maintenance programs in proper perspective by correcting some of the myths surrounding methadone itself and also narcotic addiction in general. They believe that the costs of maintaining a heroin habit are often ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Examination of the data supporting the claims of success for methadone maintenance reveals a number of problems, including the choice of criteria to represent "success," exclusion of dropouts from the samples studied, and insufficient comparisons. The ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The authors' study of the two-year prevalence of participation during five successive years in a particular methadone maintenance system disclosed no evidence of worsening of results for first admissions as time went on. Although the admission criteria ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


A sample of 336 patients admitted to the NIMH Clinical Research Center was surveyed to determine how many had had experience with methadone, either legally or illegally. One-third of the addict sample had been in methadone maintenance programs; 43 percent ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Thirty black, male heroin addicts who had been treated in a methadone maintenance clinic were interviewed to assess psychiatric diagnosis and disability and to rate manifestations of anxiety, depression and paranoia, object relatedness, and compliance. ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The author studied patterns of drug abuse in Viet Nam among three groups of enlisted men—those finishing a 12-month tour, those who had been psychiatric outpatients, and new arrivals. Among those in the first two groups using hard drugs and/or marijuana, ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Because no adequate therapy is available, the prevention of tardive dyskinesia is of great importance. The disorder may be prevented by periodic evaluations of the neurologic status of patients on long-term drug treatment, followed by reducing the drug ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The authors describe a lithium clinic, which they believe provides an effective method of managing and keeping track of patients taking lithium carbonate. The clinic, conducted by a registered nurse under psychiatrists' supervision, generally helps ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


In an effort to determine the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts with long-term patients who leave state hospitals, discharged patients were randomly assigned to high- or low-expectation programs in the community. The high-expectation setting ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


The development of an inability or an unwillingness to communicate verbally after inhaling marijuana is incidentally reported in the literature. The author cites four cases in which mutism is associated with the inhalation of hashish. There was evidence ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Suggestion has played a crucial role in psychiatric healing for thousands of years. The nature of suggestion as a psychological phenomenon is not understood. Unless the riddle is solved, a synthesis between the various schools of psychology is unlikely. ...

Publication date: 01 October 1972


Page 247 of the August 1972 issue of the Journal contains an error in the review of the book Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry by D.W. Winnicott. The author is misquoted in the third paragraph of the review. He was discussing therapeutic ...

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