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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 130
  • Number 11
  • November 1973


Publication date: 01 November 1973


The author believes that in the years ahead psychoanalysis will move increasingly toward an open-system biosocial perspective incorporating aspects of field theory, communications and information theory, and general systems theory. There are important ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The authors examine the concept of child advocacy in historical perspective, describing its antecedents as reflected in law, education, welfare, and child labor. Although it is not yet realized in practice, child advocacy seems to represent the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Taking steroid hormones for the control of ovulation may be associated with depressive mood changes in women who are predisposed to depression. The author postulates that such depression may in some cases be due to inhibition of the synthesis of biogenic ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Data on recent life changes were gathered for 279 survivors of myocardial infarction and 226 victims of sudden coronary death in Helsinki, Finland. Subjects in both groups experienced a significant increase in recent life changes during the six months ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The author describes a collaborative program between the child psychiatry and pediatric services of a prepaid group practice plan that included weekly meetings between the psychiatrist and the pediatric staff, meetings also involving other disciplines, ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Human service delivery systems are the focus of problems and controversy in 1973. The systems that pertain to mental health and illness have incorporated many of the innovations in organization, delivery, and administration that appeared in the 1950s and ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The authors underscore the major themes that challenge the resident who moves into community work from his initial experience as an individual therapist. The resident must be able to change, especially in terms of his own role expectations, to expand his ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The authors report that addicts who volunteered for an Army heroin treatment program differed from those who were detected by urine screening in that they had displayed a greater degree of antisocial behavior in civilian life and had more frequent ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


In a nationwide survey of the extent and nature of psychotherapeutic drug use, respondents were also questioned about their knowledge of tranquilizers and their attitudes toward the use of these drugs in general and in specific situations. The survey ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


A number of people have adopted a belief that vitamins can prevent disease and restore youth. The author examines the implications of this belief as it was uncovered in group therapy sessions. He discusses the liberalism and activism of these middle-aged ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Articles in the popular press and books by mental health practitioners have raised the question of whether psychiatrists should have sexual relations with their patients. The authors compare the relationship between a physician and a patient with that ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The author presents an approach to psychiatric consultation before abortion that attempts to determine the extent of the woman's ambivalence about the abortion by clarifying any unconscious motivations or conflicts. Other goals are an evaluation of the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The author discusses the recent attacks against marriage, family, and parenthood by some of the leaders of the Women's Liberation Movement. He points out that the difficulties that cause human suffering in these institutions are not intrinsic to them but ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Messianic delusions—until now rather rare and poorly understood—appear to be increasing in incidence and to be influenced by the values of the counter culture. The author identifies the principal clinical features of delusions: the belief in one's ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The author examines the relationship between attitudes toward mental illness and psychiatric patients on the one hand and reactions to the withdrawal of Senator Thomas Eagleton as a candidate for Vice-President on the other. A sample of 384 undergraduate ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The authors review the history of mental health models as well as related systems of professional education and service delivery. The current situation is criticized as being too concerned with professional privilege and hierarchies while seeming to ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


A study of the histories of 50 children with affective disorders revealed that certain environmental factors were present either singly or in combination in every case. When these environmental factors were related to the three types of childhood ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The place of honesty and truthfulness in the therapeutic process has rarely been discussed in the psychiatric literature, although Freud placed great emphasis on the need for truthfulness. The author affirms the importance of absolute honesty by both ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


To test the validity of nurses' estimates and patients' self-reports of the duration and quality of the patients' sleep, the authors compared these estimates with measures of sleep taken with the electroencephalogram. The authors found that nurses ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


The authors report on three patients who developed an akathisia-like syndrome after the abrupt withdrawal of imipramine. They discuss a possible link between this phenomenon and dopamine turnover in the central nervous system.

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Although psychiatrists disagree about whether they should have a role in the courtroom, the legal system continues to ask their help in evaluating defendants' competency to stand trial. The authors present four case reports that illustrate how ...

Publication date: 01 November 1973


Instruction in dying and death can be profitably included in the psychiatry curriculum. Through the use of this subject as a teaching focus, improved methods of psychosocial care are fostered and psychiatric principles and phenomena involving the patient ...

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