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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 131
  • Number 1
  • January 1974


Publication date: 01 January 1974


The methodological suggestions that have accumulated in the course of the development of existential psychiatry can be brought forward into a systematic technique. These suggestions arose in part because of the limitations of other techniques. In the ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


This paper describes the results of a clinical trial of a new method, intensive group therapy, devised explicitly to incorporate the principal advantages of three traditionally separate techniques: the intensive five-day-a-week format of psychoanalysis; ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The authors describe a modification of systematic desensitization that they developed which uses a psychodynamic formulation as the basis for treatment along behavioral lines. The technique, illustrated by the authors through case reports, involves ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Five men with primary unipolar depression were treated with methyltestosterone and imipramine. Four promptly showed a paranoid response that cleared rapidly when treatment with the hormone was discontinued. The shift from depression to a paranoid reaction ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


In a four-week study of 08 volunteer subjects with mixed symptoms of anxiety and depression, amitriptyline produced significantly more improvement than placebo. Significant differences were noted between the amitriptyline and placebo treatment groups at ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


As the family child-rearing life cycle unfolds, puberty sets in motion processes within the adolescent and the family that initiate an adolescent family developmental epicycle. An integral aspect of this epicycle is a temporary regression in sibling, ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


A questionnaire survey of psychiatrists concerning emergency involuntary hospitalization confirmed the authors' hypothesis that psychiatrists' attitudes toward it are subjective and that there is a lack of adequate criteria. They advocate peer review of ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The author proposes a system for the classification of burned children designed to identify children's normal and pathological responses to severe burns and to facilitate research into the prevention of serious psychological complications. The ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The general hospital emergency room provides an excellent opportunity for the conduct of crisis intervention toward a goal of primary psychiatric prevention. The authors describe the development of a collaborative program involving psychiatric staff as ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Physicians will be subject to periodic reexamination in the course of their professional careers. There is an urgent need to determine correlations between test results on examinations now being used and the actual competence of physicians in their ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The author describes the evolution and current functioning of a menial health service in an HMO that serves more than 175,000 members in the Seattle metropolitan area. A cohort of 159 patients was followed for 18 months to investigate referral patterns, ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Using a questionnaire survey, the authors sought to discover the effect of meditation on their subjects' use of marijuana. While only' 15 percent of a nonmeditating control group had decreased or stopped their use of marijuana during the preceding three ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Ellsworth House is a community rehabilitation program for adult offenders. It offers an alternative to incarceration within the regular jail and prison system. Residents of the house are able to engage in competitive employment in the community while ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


An epidemiological study of suicide among the Papago Indians of the desert Southwest was conducted oven a three-year period. Data gathered from several sources showed that this tribe's suicide rate exceeded that for the nation but was not as high as rates ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Using the same questionnaire, the authors surveyed drug use at a military installation in 1970, 1971, and 1972. Oven the three years, the total percentage of respondents reporting previous drug use increased: the amount of use and number of current users ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The levels of plasma testosterone of 19 young male homosexuals (Kinsey group VI) were found to be significantly higher (p < .01 ) than those of 20 strictly heterosexual men matched for average age.

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Of various factors the authors examined, only the excessive use of alcohol distinguished those manic patients with a history of hospitalization from those without one. Half of the hospitalized subjects had a history of an inordinate use of alcohol; this ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


To determine whether antiparkinsonian (AP) drugs should be regularly given prophylactically to all patients receiving depot antipsychotic drugs, the authors assigned 41 psychotic patients receiving fluphenazine enanthate to one of three groups. The first ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The authors, who have been exploring the potential of videotape presentations for psychiatric education, discuss the issues that have arisen since they began developing their "Electronic Textbook of Psychiatry." They consider such questions as the ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


The author discusses the methodological shortcomings of previous studies on cerebral electrotherapy (CET) and suggests various methodological and design procedures that need to be incorporated into future studies if the question of the therapeutic ...

Publication date: 01 January 1974


Recent statistics show that an increasing number of people with psychiatric illness are being treated in community settings rather than in hospitals. This shift in treatment locus requires a reexamination of program priorities, staff training and ...

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