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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 131
  • Number 2
  • February 1974


Publication date: 01 February 1974


Articles that appeared in the Radical Therapist, an "alternate journal" in the mental health field that published 12 issues between 1970 and 1972, voiced pointed criticisms of psychiatrists during this period: little interest was paid to these issues in "...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The author discusses a number of trends in current psychiatric theory and practice that he believes have tended to separate psychiatry from its traditional medical orientation. These include an overly broad concept of psychiatric illness, overinvolvement ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


In psychiatry today eclecticism is encouraged by the wide range of therapeutic techniques available, the complex needs of patients, and the many political systems (family, school, job, etc.) in which they are enmeshed. Although it is possible to learn a ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The author describes a follow-up study of 60 psychiatrically disturbed outpatients who had first been seen at least ten years earlier. His findings suggest that adult disorders can be predicted on the basis of the patient's history of earlier childhood ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The authors describe a one-year follow-up study of psychiatric patients hospitalized at the West Virginia University Medical Center. They found a rehospitalization rate considerably below the national average; also, about three-quarters of the patients ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The authors describe a pioneer program in which approximately half of the available first-year psychiatric residency positions were given to students who had just completed their third year of medical school. They describe the problems encountered as the ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Administrative issues posed in public community organizations are significantly different from those encountered in mental hospitals and university administrative systems. Thus the development of community mental health delivery systems has created new ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The authors suggest that addicts' use of opiates represents a unique and characteristic way of dealing with ordinary human problems and the real world around them. Through five case reports they illustrate how addicts resort to drugs because they have ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


An intensive survey of 40 opium addicts in Laos showed that opium smoking, like narcotic usage in general, can be powerfully addicting. As is true of alcoholism in the United States, the families of the addicts appeared to have inordinately high rates of ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Analogues of aggressive-differentiating and affectionate-affiliating behavior are presumed to exist in human systems at all levels of organization—from cells to supranational organizations. The author offers hypotheses about the nature and relationships ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The author discusses the correlative nature of projection and introjection, their early roles in development and differentiation, and their later defensive uses. He describes how, in paranoid states, the interplay between projecting and introjecting leads ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The author extracts information from the multihospital NIMH collaborative studies of drugs and depression that might be of practical use to the clinician. The drugs used in these controlled studies were chlorpromazine, imipramine, diazepam, and phenelzine,...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Prevention of relapse following depression is a pressing research problem. The authors tested the efficacy of the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline and psychotherapy, alone and in combination, in preventing the relapse of 150 neurotic depressed ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Chronically depressed neurotic women outpatients were randomly assigned, after a two-week placebo washout period, to receive one of three medications (imipramine, diazepam, or placebo) and to either weekly group psychotherapy or biweekly brief supportive ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The authors report on two recent two-year studies that attempted to determine the effectiveness of lithium carbonate in treating recurrent affective illness. In study I, 205 bipolar (manic-depressive) patients were randomly assigned to lithium or placebo; ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Previous clinical studies have shown Oriental subjects to be significantly more sensitive to alcohol than Occidental subjects. The results of this study corroborated these findings: the 24 Oriental subjects tested showed significantly more skin flushing, ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


This paper describes an attempt to evaluate the mental health services offered to Alaskan Natives. The concern of the authors was not the outcome of treatment, but whether the delivery system was functioning efficiently. Restricting their study to a ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


Realizing that attitudes toward drug use held by staff members of methadone maintenance clinics have a strong influence on the treatment given, the authors sampled the opinions of ex-addict counselors maintained with methadone, ex-addict counselors who ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


In spite of much criticism of the practice of involuntary hospitalization for mental illness, specific data on the practice are lacking. This study examined the data on all involuntarily hospitalized patients (N = 226) discharged from Sacramento Medical ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


The University of Pennsylvania's program of training in legal psychiatry is presented as a model of an integrated program of training, research, and service. With the establishment of similar programs at various university centers around the country and ...

Publication date: 01 February 1974


In Dr. Samuel B. Guze's editorial on page 1378 of the December 1973 issue of the Journal, a symposium on hereditary transmission of psychiatric illnesses was incorrectly described as having taken place at a meeting of the American Psychological ...

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