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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 131
  • Number 3
  • March 1974


Publication date: 01 March 1974


The author reviews the psychological approach to the study and treatment of schizophrenia—its psychogenesis, psychodynamics, psychological structures and mechanisms, and psychotherapy. He notes the areas in which changes of position or emphasis are called ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


Manic patients, excited schizoaffective patients, and agitated schizophrenic patients were rated using a "manic interpersonal interaction scale" that evaluated a number of interpersonal interactions including testing of limits, projection of ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The authors discuss the transference and countertransference reactions characteristic of a mental health service in a health maintenance organization. Among the transference issues considered of greatest interest are responses to payment premium rather ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The records of 45 patients identified as blue-collar workers were examined as part of a larger study of patients treated at the Columbia Psychoanalytic Clinic. A sizable number of the blue-collar patients were rated as having benefited from dynamic ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


Many of the legislative proposals for national health insurance fail to include or severely limit coverage of psychiatric services. The author advances a number of arguments for covering these services, including psychoanalysis, and makes suggestions ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The author suggests that the primary function of all psychotherapies is to combat demoralization—which aggravates and is aggravated psychiatric symptoms—through restoring the patient's sense of mastery. All psychotherapeutic rationales and rituals perform ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


In treating the married male homosexual who wishes to change his sexual orientation, it is essential to understand both the personality of the wife and the dynamics of the marriage. Findings based on the study of five women and their husbands who were in ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


Health care delivery can best be accomplished when the health professional understands the cultural milieu of the community in which the patients live. The author describes the convictions and practices found in an inner city area of Los Angeles, ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


This paper describes the normal reactions of 4O wives of noncareer Army men to the abnormal stress of their husbands' assignments to Viet Nam. The authors point out that little is known about this high-risk group and that little has been done to reduce ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


Dehumanizing trends in medical education have been reported and discussed extensively. In response to this problem, the opportunity to join a voluntary, time-limited, unstructured sensitivity group was offered to medical students during their clinical ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The authors studied ten sets of middle-class fraternal twins in an effort to determine what factors influenced the twinning relationship. They found that five sets of twins showed some form of mutual dependency and that two showed one-sided dependency; in ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The compulsive use of hypodermic needles as an end in itself is illustrated two case reports. The author explains this behavior in terms of conditioning theory and psychodynamics and explores the possibilities for treatment. He notes that needle use is in ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


Soviet investigators have moved from criticism of psychoanalytic concepts to development of a theory of the unconscious that represents the convergence of set theory, neurophysiology, and cybernetics. One accepted Soviet definition of the unconscious is ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The authors describe the clinical course toward death of two patients who, with their physician, became "partners in dying." The emphasis is on the equilibrium that these patients established through an appreciation of their special needs, including the ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The authors describe a method of administering high dosages of the more potent, less sedating antipsychotic drugs to schizophrenic patients to promote the patients' rapid improvement. This method has been effective in keeping the periods of ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


This paper describes the effects of marijuana smoking on sensitivity to pain, touch, and visual stimuli in regular users of the drug. Using accepted measures of these sensory processes, the authors found an absence of analgesia and an increased ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


This paper contains observations of Soviet medicine made by the author during a recent scientific visit. He describes the influence of public policy on Soviet medicine, the emphases in training and practice, the role of women, and the steps in the ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


This paper describes a program at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for the supervision of second-year residents by a group of peers. Under this system, each participant was able to bring troublesome cases to the attention of the group and to ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The similarities between amphetamine psychosis and schizophrenia have been noted by several authors. Recently, an exacerbation of acute schizophrenia by amphetamine has been demonstrated. The case histories presented in this paper suggest that the dosages ...

Publication date: 01 March 1974


The authors describe the development of a community-oriented therapeutic nursery that serves the mental health needs of a day-care population of over 600 children. It makes use of a flexible treatment program, in conjunction with a consultation program, ...

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