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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 131
  • Number 4
  • April 1974


Publication date: 01 April 1974


There is a new climate of concern over the power of psychiatrists to shape behavior—a question made more critical by the increasing effectiveness of psychiatric treatment, including the use of drugs and the new behavior therapy techniques. The author ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


In a group of 76 hyperactive boys, the presence of multiple minor physical anomalies (stigmata) was associated with severity of hyperactivity and with a history of childhood hyperactivity in the father or a history of early obstetrical difficulty in the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The authors took EEG, neurological, psychological, and behavioral measures on 120 hyperactive children, 22 of whom were found to have EEG abnormalities. However, these children scored significantly higher on intelligence tests and other measures of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


Focusing on 17 college students who experienced what they called “religious conversion,” the author explores the recent perplexing religious preoccupation among youth. He describes the onset of this phenomenon, delineates its social and psychological ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


A reexamination of hospital diagnoses made at New York State Psychiatric Institute in 1932–1941 and 1947–1956 (64 in each decade) indicated that the original diagnosticians used a broader concept of schizophrenia in the second decade (77 percent of the 64 ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


Even though the environment of a mental hospital exerts a direct effect on the patient and even though evaluations of mental hospital performance take place constantly in the political arena, mental health professionals remain basically ignorant of how to ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The virtual absence of blacks on psychiatric research wards has been reported previously. This paper attempts to explain this phenomenon with observations made at the Yale-Connecticut Mental Health Center, a center with a very active research program that ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


To introduce and maintain a preventive mental health program in a federal agency such as Job Corps has special requirements: a recognition of the goals of the organization, selection of personnel on the basis of proved past experience or special talent, ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The effectiveness of a self-help organization for the obese was significantly increased by behavior modification techniques. Sixteen chapters of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), with a total of 234 members, received one of four treatments: behavior ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


Ten patients with symptoms of compulsive eating were treated pharmacologically with diphenylhydantoin. All but one had abnormal EEGs, indicating that neurological dysregulation may have been an etiological factor. Nine patients were treated successfully. ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The use of behavior conditioning within the context of structural family therapy has proved effective in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. During the inpatient phase, a behavior paradigm made access to physical activity dependent on weight gain; in the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


Men other than those with true psychosexual inversion (e.g., transvestites, homosexuals, and schizophrenics) may seek sex-reassignment surgery for a variety of reasons related to individual psychopathology. Unlike transsexuals, however, these patients ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


Chlordiazepoxide proved significantly better than placebo in reducing hostile, irritable, and anxious symptomatology in 225 anxious neurotic outpatients. The findings reported here failed to confirm the increases in hostility believed to be induced by ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The authors interviewed 57 hospitalized alcoholics and 50 nonhospitalized control subjects to clarify the relationship between alcoholism and cigarette smoking. They found that alcoholics smoked significantly more than nonalcoholics, even when only women ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


This study reports a high incidence of dysphoric reactions to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) administered under double-blind conditions to a well-defined homogeneous population of hospitalized patients with unipolar depressive illness. Personality ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


A private psychiatric hospital that developed comprehensive community mental health services was able to reduce admissions to state hospitals from its catchment area to two-thirds less than the state average over a 12-year period. This was accomplished ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


While noting that a triad of childhood symptoms—enuresis, firesetting, and cruelty to animals—has been accepted as predictive of violence in adulthood, the authors believe that other symptoms may serve as even more useful predictors. On the basis of a ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


This paper describes a comprehensive program for the diagnosis and treatment of hyperkinetic children. The program is an intensive but short-term undertaking and includes a complete evaluation of the child, pharmacotherapy, behavior modification, ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


The authors describe the evolvement of board certification procedures in child psychiatry and a nationwide three-year study undertaken by the Committee on Certification in Child Psychiatry of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. The ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


This statement was approved by the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association at its December 14–15, 1973, meeting. It was prepared by the Commission on Drug Abuse in consultation with the Commission on Childhood and Adolescence.1 The ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


This statement was approved by the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association at its December 14–15, 1973, meeting, upon recommendation of the Council on Professions and Associations. It was prepared by Robert L. Spitzer. M.D., with the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1974


This statement was approved by the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association at its December 14–15, 1973, meeting. It was prepared by the Task Force on Family Planning and Population.2 The Assembly of District Branches endorsed the ...

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