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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 133
  • Number 2
  • February 1976

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors survey the ethical problems confronting psychiatry today. They state that with rare exceptions psychiatric intervention can be morally justified only with the potential patient's informed consent. Within this framework, they discuss the fact ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author describes and compares training programs for family therapists at 15 centers in 9 major U.S. cities, using a scale that reflects the spectrum of theoretical approaches to family therapy. At one end of the spectrum are the centers with an ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors studied the arrest rates of 867 patients from the Bellevue catchment area who were discharged from the psychiatric division of Bellevue Hospital. They found that the arrest rates of these patients for two years preceding and two years ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author reports the results of a three-stage cluster analysis of data on 298 patients who attempted suicide. Patients were allocated by the analysis to seven identifiable profile types that correlated with six outcome variables. These profiles include ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author critically examines the evidence for the effectiveness of the behavior therapies as described in the American Psychaitric Association's task force report on behavior therapy. He concludes that current attempts to evaluate behavior therapy ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Sixteen adult dwarfs - 11 with achondroplasia and 5 with hypopituitarism - were studied by means of psychiatric interviews and psychological tests. There were no significant differences between the two groups; in general, the subjects had achieved a ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Encephalitis, particularly herpes simplex encephalitis, frequently presents as a disorder with puzzling psychiatric symptoms before frank evidence of central nervous system involvement is apparent. The author describes three cases of encephalitis ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The diagnosis of psychiatric disorders currently relies primarily on clinical observation and evaluation of manifest psychopathology. Symptom-based diagnosis of schizophrenia defines a highly variable patient population and thus makes replication of ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Epidemiological evidence clearly indicates an especially high rate of schizophrenia at the lowest social class levels of urban populations. The author suggests that this relationship between class and schizophrenia exists because the conditions of life ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author discusses the role of the family in the etiology of schizophrenia and suggests how this research might be integrated with our growing knowledge of the biology of schizophrenia. Abnormalities of family interaction-particularly communication ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors discuss the limitations of the concept of heritability in schizophrenia and, using reported incidence figures, assess two alternatives--the multifactorial and single major locus (SML) models. Both models predict genetic heterogeneity in ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author notes that increased serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity is found in the majority of hospitalized acutely disturbed schizophrenics and patients with affective psychoses. It is probable that some of these increases do not result from ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Alleviation of schizophrenic symptoms by phenothiazines and butyrophenones is associated with blockade of dopamine receptors, while exacerbation of symptoms by amphetamines appears to result from enhanced synaptic activity of dopamine and/or ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors review the research on N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) as a possible "schizotoxin." DMT produces psychedelic effects when administered to normal subjects, the means are present to synthesize it in man, it has occasionally been found in man, and ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The author reviews six topics relevant to the drug treatment of schizophrenia. The quantitative effectiveness of promazine is of interest with respect to the structural models of the phenothiazines and the dopamine theory of schizophrenia. The ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors present a statement of the specific educational objectives of their psychiatric residency program. This statement is designed to help residents keep in focus the central tasks of their training and to provide the faculty with an organizing ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors observed the effect of marijuana on carbohydrate metabolism in fed and fasting states in chronic marijuana users. They found no hypoglycemia in 7 patients who were given marijuana after fasting for 24-72 hours. They also found no significant ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Joint hospital admission of a married alcoholic and his/her spouse can facilitate treatment of the problem drinker. A case report illustrates the advantages of this approach in giving the staff an opportunity to observe and provide the couple with ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


The authors compared 47 long-term users of hashish with a control group of 40 subjects matched for age, ethnic origin, education, etc., in order to determine whether they differed significantly on psychiatric, physical health, and demographic variables. ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Mania has not been reported as a manifestation of bromism. This paper describes a manic patient who had an elevated serum bromide level. The author suggests that the possibility of bromide-induced mania should be considered when patients who manifest ...

Publication date: 01 February 1976


Three major tasks face the researcher in a medical experiment employing prisoners as experimental subjects. Understanding the nature of the subject, crossing the territorial boundary, and obtaining informed consent are prerequisites for the successful ...



Publication date: 01 February 1976


There is an error in the article "A Hierarchy of Drug Use in Adolescence: Behavioral and Attitudinal Correlates of Substantial Drug Use, "by Beatrix A. Hamburg, M.D., Helena C. Kraemer, Ph.D., and William Jahnke (November 1975 issue). In figure 1, page ...

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