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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 133
  • Number 3
  • March 1976

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Behavioral psychotherapy has become one of the definitive treatments available for the relief of psychiatric suffering. Although hardly a panacea for all ills, the behavioral approach is the treatment of choice for certain selected problems. Behavioral ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The author presents three case reports of individuals with personality disorder, none of whom demonstrated significant ability for transitional relatedness before therapy. In therapy, he conceptualized for the two adult patients the importance of their ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The term "psychosurgery" encompasses a wide variety of different neurosurgical procedures applied in the treatment of behavioral and psychiatric disorders. Arguments about the effectiveness and ethicality of psychosurgery are often based on studies using ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The author studied the services provided for the elderly at eight community mental health centers. He describes discrimination against the elderly, the reasons why relatively few elderly persons seek care, and innovations in treatment. He discovered that ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The author describes her experiences with two all-female psychotherapy groups, comparing these groups with both mixed-sex and consciousness- raising groups. Problems included a tendency of group members to drop out when dependency on the group became too ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The author collected completed questionnaires from 52 psychiatrists who had failed to pass the examinations of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) on their first try. He quotes from the responses of 6 of these psychiatrists, showing the ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The author evaluated the charts of 115 chronic schizophrenic patients who regularly attended a follow-up group to determine whether changes in long-standing medication regimens produced an increased dropout rate, decreased attendance, or psychotic ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Five-hour oral glucose tolerance tests (GTTs) differentiated 30 volunteer patients who considered themselves hypoglycemic into three major groups: those who had reactive hypoglycemia, those who were normal, and those who had diabetes. Clinical psychiatric ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Psychiatric evaluation teams used observations of family interaction and psychoanalytically oriented individual interviews to study the psychological aftereffects of the 1972 Buffalo Creek disaster, a tidal wave of sludge and black water released by the ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The litigation initiated by the 625 survivors of the Buffalo Creek flood who refused to settle with the coal company claims office was a landmark case. For the first time, individuals who were not present at the scene of a disaster were allowed to recover ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The survivors of the Buffalo Creek disaster suffered both individual and collective trauma, the latter being reflected in their loss of communality. Human relationships in this community had been derived from traditional bonds of kinship and ...


Publication date: 01 March 1976


Most of the 224 children who were survivor-plaintiffs of the Buffalo Creek disaster were emotionally impaired by their experiences. The major factors contributing to this impairment were the child's developmental level at the time of the flood, his ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The specific contribution of the psychiatrist to the team study of the human disaster at Buffalo Creek focuses on the course of psychic trauma. The initial violent intrusion by the flood waters was followed by a second phase of the traumatic cycle, the ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The authors describe severe psychiatric and neurological sequelae in a patient who suffered carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of a suicide attempt. A review of the literature revealed that 15 to 40% of survivors of carbon monoxide poisoning develop ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Seizure disorders may present with signs and symptoms that are usually associated with psychiatric disorders. Physicians must be alert to this possibility; they should use careful history taking in conjunction with EEGs to avoid misdiagnosing certain ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The authors found lower platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in 13 unmedicated chronic schizophrenic male patients in comparison to 13 mentally normal control male subjects--a finding that agrees with previous studies showing MAO activity to be low ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The authors describe their experiences as consultation-liaison psychiatrists in two general teaching hospitals. Current medical house staff members appear to be more aware of the importance of psychosocial issues in patient care than were interns and ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The job expectations of 35 incoming chief residents were tested by questionnaire when they attended a weekend workshop on leadership and were reexamined after they has had six months' experience on their jobs. Such personal qualities as a sense of humor ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Haloperidol was compared with placebo in the treatment of 8 young adult stutterers in a double-blind crossover study involving 6 sequential observations over periods of 6 or 12 weeks. The drug was found to have a significant effect on the percentage of ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The authors present clinical and case material on two male triplets with aberrant gender identity. Their findings coincide with those of the few family studies reported in which there were two or more transsexual members; they also reveal patterns ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


Of 802 voluntary patients admitted to the detoxification unit of a comprehensive treatment system, 69% completed detoxification but only 9.6% of thest patients sought long-term treatment. The demographic profile of detoxification patients differed ...

Publication date: 01 March 1976


The authors' questionnaire survey of 147 community mental health centers revealed that 36 (24%) were using problem-oriented medical records (POMR), 34 (23%) planned to use them, 23 (16%) were uncertain and 54 (37%) had no considered using them. According ...


Publication date: 01 March 1976


The 129th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association will be held in Miami, Fla., May 10-14, 1976. The information here is what was available as of mid-January 1976. The official program book containing the scientific, business, and social ...

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