American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 147
- Number 11
- November 1990
Publication date: 01 November 1990
Pages1439–1448The authors present an overview of the work in progress on DSM-IV. After a brief historical review, they discuss the principles and multiple purposes of the DSM-IV effort and outline the three stages of its empirical documentation: systematic literature ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1449–1456Through a review of the epidemiological literature on the mental health of Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics, the authors argue that lack of attention to cultural issues in epidemiological studies leaves many questions unanswered and raises concerns about ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1457–1462Recent neuropathologic investigations in schizophrenia report smaller volume of medial temporal lobe structures. These findings are confirmed by preliminary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. Direct stimulation of lateral temporal lobe structures ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1463–1466If the construct validity of the negative symptom syndrome is to be established, the conceptual and operational overlap between negative symptoms and other syndromes such as depression and the effects of medication must be explained. The author assessed ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1467–1470Several lines of evidence indicate altered noradrenergic function in schizophrenia. The authors examined resting, standing, and change (standing minus resting) in plasma norepinephrine levels in 14 drug- free patients with chronic schizophrenia or ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1471–1475The authors investigated the clozapine plasma levels of 148 psychiatric inpatients. Multiple regression analysis revealed a linear relationship between dose of clozapine and plasma concentrations. The analysis showed a significant influence of dose, sex, ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1476–1483Seventy-five patients with remitted depression were categorized as having melancholic-endogenous or non-melancholic-nonendogenous depression according to DSM-III criteria, Research Diagnostic Criteria, and the Newcastle endogeneity scale. The patients' ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1484–1487The authors used the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and a rating of depressed mood to investigate the prevalence of depression in 55 patients with Alzheimer's disease, 37 patients with multi-infarct dementia, and 30 nondemented comparison subjects. ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1488–1492The authors examined the value of the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) for predicting response of patients with unipolar, nonpsychotic major depression to 1 week of hospitalization without antidepressant drugs and to a 4-week trial of desipramine at a ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1493–1497In a double-blind clinical trial involving 28 patients with multiple sclerosis and major depressive disorder, 14 patients were randomly assigned to a 5-week trial of desipramine and individual psychotherapy and 14 to placebo plus psychotherapy. Clinical ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1498–1503The authors investigated the relation between psychopathology in medically ill inpatients and use and cost of medical care services. Of 455 medical inpatients, the Medical Inpatient Screening Test identified 27.9% as very depressed, 27.5% as very anxious, ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1504–1508Follow-up studies of psychiatric patients with panic disorder have shown an abnormally high mortality rate in men due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. The authors report that in the New Haven portion of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1509–1513Twenty-three women with nonpurging bulimia underwent a 12-week, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial of desipramine hydrochloride. Repeated standardized rating scales, mood assessments, and self-reports of dietary habits were used to measure changes in ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1514–1517In this follow-up investigation, the authors studied all Swiss women in the canton of Zurich who developed anorexia nervosa between ages 12 and 25 years and who were hospitalized for the first time with this diagnosis between 1983 and 1985. Data were ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1518–1521Thyroid function was investigated in 100 manic-depressive patients. Goiter was more common in patients treated with lithium for 1-5 years (44%) or more than 10 years (50%) than in patients who never received lithium (16%). Smoking contributed ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1522–1525The authors compared three instruments used to diagnose borderline personality disorder--the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients (DIB), the Schedule for Interviewing Borderlines, and the Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality Disorders--in ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1526–1530Fourteen months after a sniper attack at an elementary school, level of exposure to that event remained the primary predictor of ongoing posttraumatic stress reactions in 100 schoolchildren who were followed up. Guilt feelings and knowing the child who ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1531–1536Two temperamentally extreme (extremely easy and extremely difficult) subgroups of children were selected at the age of 7 years from a large random sample of the general population of Quebec City. The clinical status, family functioning, IQ, and academic ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1537–1541Is the DSM-III-R category of alcohol abuse validly differentiated from the DSM-III-R category of alcohol dependence, or is abuse primarily a mild, prodromal condition that typically deteriorates into dependence? A 4-year longitudinal epidemiologic study ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1542–1546The authors studied 40 cocaine-dependent subjects admitted to psychiatric inpatient wards of a metropolitan hospital because of general psychiatric symptoms. The results indicate that the predominant form of cocaine administration (88%) was freebasing "... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1547–1552The Dissociative Experiences Scale was administered to a random sample of 1,055 adults in the city of Winnipeg. Results showed that scale scores did not differ between men and women and were not influenced by income, employment status, education, place of ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1553–1556Whether psychiatrists are qualified to give anesthesia for ECT is controversial. At the authors' hospital, over a 9-year period ECT resulted in no mortality and minimal morbidity; in 98.8% of the treatments, anesthesia was given by psychiatrists. The ... date: 01 November 1990
Pages1557–1561The authors describe New York City's program to remove seriously mentally ill homeless people from the streets to a public hospital. They report on the 298 patients hospitalized during the first year of this program. Most of the patients were male (66%), ...
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