American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 147
- Number 12
- December 1990
Publication date: 01 December 1990
Pages1587–1595The deja vu experience is a common phenomenon, occurring in pathological as well as nonpathological conditions. It has been defined as any subjectively inappropriate impression of familiarity of a present experience with an undefined past. The authors ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1596–1601During 1979-1989, the long-stay population in Massachusetts state psychiatric hospitals declined and then moderately increased, although to far below its initial 1979 level. The increase toward the end of the period was due to a growing number of patients ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1602–1608Seventeen definitions of the severely and persistently mentally ill have appeared in the literature over the past decade. These definitions have been used by 13 authors to formulate service programs and to estimate the prevalence of serious mental illness ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1609–1613Previous studies of the neurobiology of autism that have used the brainstem auditory evoked response have given contradictory results. The authors of this study considered two supplementary aspects; they added an ipsilateral masking procedure, and they ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1614–1621Twelve rare diseases known to cause CNS pathology were found in 26 (11%) of 233 autistic probands identified during a recent epidemiologic survey of Utah. These 26 probands had significantly lower mean IQs than the remaining patients (43 versus 60) but ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1622–1626Fifty outpatients with mild, chronic, mood-reactive depression whose mood improved markedly after a 10-day single-blind placebo trial were randomly assigned in a double-blind design either to have their placebo medication discontinued or to have it ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1627–1633Patients with major depression, mania, or schizo-affective disorder that had been present without remission for 2 years or more at intake (N = 129) were followed prospectively for 5 years, as were 580 patients who had been ill for shorter periods at ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1634–1636The authors determined the prevalence of late luteal phase dysphoric disorder in 217 university women aged 17-29 years. Unaware of the focus on premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the participants rated DSM-III-R symptoms of late luteal phase dysphoric disorder ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1637–1639This study clarifies the methodological pitfalls of using cross- sectional data to characterize episodic and continuous patterns of prescribing psychotropic medications in nursing homes. Although more than half of the residents in a teaching nursing home ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1640–1645Fifty-nine elderly residents of long-term care facilities who had DSM- III diagnoses of dementia were studied in an 8-week randomized, double- blind comparison trial of haloperidol, oxazepam, and diphenhydramine to test the efficacy of these agents in the ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1646–1649The presence or absence of tardive dyskinesia, cognitive status, and psychopathology were assessed in a group of elderly male psychiatric patients (N = 49) in a nursing home setting. Twenty-five patients were found to have tardive dyskinesia, which was ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1650–1655Studies have suggested that schizophrenia is characterized by an impairment in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex that prevents learning of some elementary information processing tasks. To test this hypothesis, the authors administered the Wisconsin Card ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1656–1661Structured psychiatric interviews and psychological self-report measures were administered to 28 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and 19 patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Significantly more of the patients with irritable bowel syndrome had ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1662–1666Twenty-nine alcoholic men who had been abstinent for more than 2 years were evaluated behaviorally and neuroendocrinologically and then followed for 2 years. Mean length of abstinence at intake was shorter in the eight patients with histories of ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1667–1669A review of medical examiners' autopsy records revealed that in 1988, 33 residents of Virginia died of acute cocaine intoxication. The subjects were 19 to 45 years old; most were men, used cocaine intravenously, and used other toxic substances with the ... date: 01 December 1990
Pages1670–1674Koro, a culture-specific disorder consisting of complaints of genital retraction and fear of death associated with genital retraction, has been recognized in Asian cultures in single cases and in epidemic proportions. Koro has been described in non-Asian ...
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