American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 94
- Number 6S
- May 1938
Publication date: 01 May 1938
Pages130–133In dogs which are given a few shocks close together and which die in insulin coma there are observed very acute, diffuse, edematous alterations which are very probably reversible. Butthere are observed also in many neurons (cells and fibers) very severe ... date: 01 May 1938
Pages240–252In evaluating our results with the insulin therapy we excluded all cases with a tendency to remission, since we did not know whether the improvement was a result of the treatment or would have occurred spontaneously. After the exclusion of this group ... date: 01 May 1938
Pages287-a–302In our study of the humoral changes in our patients with prolonged narcosis (Cloetta's Mixture) we may provisionally point out the following results: 1. The morphological blood changes show most strikingly in the number of leukocytes and in the shift to ... date: 01 May 1938
Pages304–307The shock treatment affects non-specifically the brain and inactivates the morbid process there. Whether it also acts on the somatic causa morbi is not known. Certainly the inherited schizophrenic constitution remains unaffected. At any rate it is of ...