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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 99
  • Number 3
  • November 1942


Publication date: 01 November 1942


The experience in Cologne and other places teaches us that free admission to mental hospitals without delay, without formality, without papers, has proved its workability. It serves best the interests both of the patient and the public. It is the best way ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


1. The constitutional psychopath or the psychopathic personality represents the most difficult group of all the mentally sick individuals with which the medical and legal professions have to deal. Particularly baffling are those psychopaths who show ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


We have outlined our thoughts and experiences with a special one-month semester in military neuropsychiatry as a section of a general seminar. We feel that this brief experimental course helped to refresh both military and civilian physicians on subjects ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


If five objective social factors (previous mental illness, broken homes, psychosis in the family, arrests and alcoholism) are studied in a group of military personnel who become psychotic it is significant that 72.2 per cent of them have one or more of ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


Psyche and soma, interrelated, contribute to the "reaction of delirium" in toxic-organic psychoses. Delirious behavior is determined more by the type of personality of the individual than by the somatic changes in the brain. Since the psychogenic ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


This presentation, bringing purely clinical problems of psychoanalytic therapy to the foreground, has been made in the hope that it will encourage a more open consideration of the clinical results of the method. Through group comparisons of variegated ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


In conclusion, subconvulsive electric shock treatment by faradic current may be recommended for those patients who are disturbed, destructive, combative or otherwise difficult to manage. It has been used only in chronic cases but I believe if used early ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


1. A group of 33 patients with mental diseases of whom 24 had schizophrenia, was treated with insulin intravenously. Twenty-three patients were treated with the intravenous injection of unmodified insulin and 10 patients with the intravenous injection of ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


Twelve non-psychotic and 13 schizophrenic subjects were given 9 per cent oxygen in 91 per cent nitrogen for 20 minutes without any rebreathing of expired gasses. Neurologic examinations were made at 5-minute intervals during a preliminary control period, ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


Sodium amytal intravenously is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic agent in psychiatry meriting more usage than given. Many patients in whom shock therapy or hypnosis cannot be utilized can be helped therapeutically or palliatively by suitable ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


1. Custom has established six months as the minimum and nine months as the ideal period of treatment for drug addicts admitted to the U. S. Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Ky. 2. The minimum standard has been justified, to a certain extent, ...

Publication date: 01 November 1942


A case of symmetrical, bilateral granular atrophy of the cerebral cortex is described. Topographically, the atrophy is limited mainly to those areas lying at the juncture of the vascular supply of the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries. The ...

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