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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 119
  • Number 6
  • December 1962


Publication date: 01 December 1962


1. A new type research ward has been constructed at Rockland State Hospital. 2. The reasons why we felt it necessary to alter the existing ward are outlined, and the old and new plans shown. 3. Unique features of this new ward are described. 4. The above ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


One hundred teaching centers in the U. S. and Canada were surveyed for attitudes and practices in regard to the teaching of the history of psychiatry; eighty-five responded. The "standard response" indicated a favorable attitude toward psychiatric history,...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


In treating a physician or a member of his family the psychiatrist should decide the basis for extending professional courtesy (no fee or reduced charge) upon the specific circumstances of the individual case. Generally psychiatrists do not charge for the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


These results show that UK 738 has only a very slight effect on the symptoms of naturally occuring parkinsonism, and it is not as effective as benzhexol. When compared with a dummy in a double blind trial, benzhexol itself is not outstandingly effective. ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


Overall, we can clearly say this program was not an effective means of bringing about attitude changes or significantly changing work performance. We believe that the effectiveness of a program will probably be greatly hampered by the very nature of the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


During a 6-month period, the Community Extension Service sought alternatives to hospitalization for 37 persons awaiting admission to the Massachusetts Mental Health Center; 18 (49%) were successfully treated as outpatients, and remained in the community ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


1. A new substance, MP-809, a tryptamine derivative, was investigated in 50 depressed patients, as compared to two other groups of 50 depressed patients receiving inert and potent placebo, in a multiblind controlled setting. 2. Clinically MP-809 had a ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


Imipramine plasma level was determined after a single oral dose. Patients who responded to subsequent imipramine therapy showed low plasma levels, refractory cases showed high levels. The low plasma levels of responders continued during therapy. Their ...

Publication date: 01 December 1962


Eighty-five of 86 patients starting treatment were evaluated. One patient after 5 days of treatment developed clinical jaundice and was discontinued from the series. Prior to treatment 76 of 85 patients (89%) had fair or poor control of seizures. ...

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