American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 175
- Number 7
- July 2018
Treatment in Psychiatry
Images in Psychiatry
Reviews and Overviews
Publication date: 21 March 2018
Pages607–619Genes, infection, malnutrition, and other factors affecting fetal brain development are a major component of risk for a child’s emotional development and later mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism. Prenatal interventions ...
Publication date: 16 April 2018
Pages620–630Objective: The authors compared the efficacy of standard-of-care treatment plus intranasal esketamine or placebo for rapid reduction of symptoms of major depression, including suicidality, among individuals at imminent suicide risk. Method: In a double-blind,... date: 25 April 2018
Pages631–648Objective: The authors examined the prospective relationship between physical activity and incident depression and explored potential moderators. Method: Prospective cohort studies evaluating incident depression were searched from database inception through ... date: 21 March 2018
Pages649–656Objective: Both normative personality and DSM-IV personality disorders have been found to be heritable. However, there is limited knowledge about the extent to which the genetic and environmental influences underlying DSM personality disorders are shared ... date: 01 July 2018
Pages657–664Objective: Borderline personality disorder is the prototypical disorder of emotion reactivity and dysregulation, yet there remains limited understanding of its neurocognitive correlates. Two mechanisms that may underlie anomalous reactivity in response to ... date: 01 July 2018
Pages665–673Objective: Adults with serious mental illness and comorbid alcohol dependence are at high risk for both high utilization of crisis-driven health care services and criminal justice involvement. Evidence-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for alcohol ... date: 02 March 2018
Pages674–682Objective: Antipsychotic drugs were incidentally discovered in the 1950s, but their mechanisms of action are still not understood. Better understanding of schizophrenia pathogenesis could shed light on actions of current drugs and reveal novel “druggable” ... to the Editor
Book Forum
APA Official Actions
Publication date: 01 July 2018
Pages690–702The following are edited/abbreviated versions of the annual reports of the APA Secretary, Treasurer, CEO and Medical Director, Speaker, and Speaker-Elect and the chairpersons of the APA Committee on Bylaws, Membership Committee, Committee of Tellers, and ...
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